
Do I need to have an account to shop with you?

You can shop at larosa without creating an account. However, register with us and you'll be able to enjoy the following benefits

Track your orders and review past purchases Save your address and payment details so you can shop even quicker next time Manage your email preferences and edit important information.

Is it safe to use my credit/debit card to make payments?

All payment information on our website is processed on a fully encrypted and secure platform and kept confidential with only authorized personnel having access to your information.

In how many destinations is COD service available?

COD is only available in Pakistan.

Will I receive online security email every time I place an order with you?

Although, online security is implied for each order and the confirmation procedure is one- time for account information, if you are utilizing a different debit/credit card, your request will be subjected to online security confirmation once more.